Résultats d'expositions
4ème Ecellent
Erkul black Illuyankas
12/5/2013 - Louhans CACS
Juge : M TABO Giovanni Battista
b type, ensemble bien équilibré b manteau, marche suff typique et efficace
3ème Très Bon
Holly black moon Illuyankas
12/5/2013 - Louhans CACS
Juge : M TABO Giovanni Battista
museau un peu lèger, ossat suff, angul un peu ouv, bras un peu court, marche suff correct.
Très Bon
Erkul black Illuyankas
5/5/2013 - Cérilly Nationale Elevage
Head proportions are good, height and length proportions are good, moderate angulations, front set too far forward, needs more neck, rear mov crosses over, front mov is loose side gait is balanced.
Holly black moon Illuyankas
5/5/2013 - Cérilly Nationale Elevage
Juge : M SCHAFFER Guido
Nice female, correct body and proportions, medium bones, enough strong muzzles, pronouced stop, flat skull high ear set, arched neck, strong topline, typical angulations, powerfull movement, actually changing the coat, nice temperament nice presentation.